The Cobbler - 884m
The Cobbler North Peak - 870m

Monday 7th July 2014

Weather/Conditions: Slightly changeable, but ultimately fine weather conditions.
Distance/Ascent/Time: 9.6km / 950m / 5h 45m
Accompanying: Kyra and Scott

Another day out on the Cobbler, taking Kyra and Scott up. We went up the normal path. I have to admit I don't remember a huge amount, but it was a good, enjoyable day. I dropped them back at Bishopton (I think) train station, then headed across to Dumbarton for some bouldering.

So anyway, not a lot to recall, but here are some photos!

Times (Time relative to 0.00)
(0.00) 11.30am Arrochar parking
(3.30) 3.00pm The Cobbler
(3.50) 3.20pm The Cobbler North Peak
(5.45) 5.15pm Arrochar parking

Written: 2016-06-28